Locumsmart’s virtual education conference is coming up on September 23-25, 2020. Whether you’ve been a Locumsmart user for years or are simply wondering how it can help you reach your staffing goals, you can benefit from attending this year’s conference. If you’re not already registered, here are five reasons to register now.
1. It’s easy to attend
Much of our lives have moved online since the pandemic began, and the Locumsmart conference is no different. While we’re disappointed we won’t be able to meet our attendees in person, moving the conference online makes it easier for many to join us.
Now you can jump in and out of the sessions that specifically pertain to you, making it easier to fit into your busy schedule. “You don’t need to be online the whole time,” says Jeff Roper, director of onsite consulting services. “You can pick and choose the topics that are most important to you.”
Moving online also means more people on your team can participate — instead of sending one person to the conference to absorb as much information as possible, you can now invite colleagues to join in on sessions that are relevant to their work.
2. It’s more affordable than ever
We recognize that budgets are tight these days, and business travel has been cut back extensively. By going digital, we’ve reduced our conference fees to $99 for all attendees.
“Now people who didn’t have a budget to travel can still attend,” says Julie Brooks, director of implementation and training, who’s hoping the virtual conference will allow more healthcare organizations than ever to participate.
If the conference fee is still out of your price range, contact us to find out if you qualify for a scholarship.
3. You’ll learn Locumsmart tips and tricks
If you already use Locumsmart, you know there’s a lot of functionality in the platform, and not all users are making the most of what’s available.
This year’s conference will include a demonstration of how to use the tool along with specific sessions for credentialing, enrollment, billing, and invoices. “This will be useful for someone who’s been with us for years or someone who’s just joining us and wants to know the shortcuts, tricks, tips, and other inside information,” says Jeff.
“We’re going to have people showing them how to navigate the system, and it’s an open forum, so we’ll be able to answer questions in real time,” he says. Attendees will also get an update on new features that have been implemented in the past year and how they can incorporate them into their daily work.
4. You can collaborate with both recruiters and staffing agencies
The Locumsmart conference is a unique opportunity for healthcare organizations and staffing agencies to learn from each other to improve their locums processes. “It’s a collaborative event,” says Julie. “It’s the only event I know of where a vendor-neutral platform gives healthcare organizations and vendors time in the same room to network and talk about how they want to interact with each other.”
Jeff agrees, saying there’s sometimes apprehension from healthcare organizations to meet with staffing agencies. “But in this case, it’s very collegial, with open dialogue and open communication. They get to meet and know each other on a personal level,” he says.
Physician recruiters will also be able to learn how other healthcare systems use the Locumsmart platform, what features they like or don’t like, and how certain features can benefit their organization’s use of locums.
5. You’ll get insight into the healthcare staffing industry
While the Locumsmart platform will be the focus of much of the conference, several keynote speakers will provide context around the current state of locums and the healthcare industry.
From sessions on new legislation in Washington to how to centralize spending when health systems merge, you’ll gain insight into how the staffing industry is changing and what you can do to make the most of these changes for your organization.
Other keynote speakers will discuss digital marketing during COVID and how to use Locumsmart as an applicant tracking system. All keynote sessions are AAPPR CE credit eligible.
The Locumsmart Virtual Education Conference will take place September 23-25, 2020. Find more information or register here.